Sunday, 6 March 2016

Mind Opening

Given the chance to be involved in a talk program intended to share ideas and thoughts, I felt really privileged to be able to hear those intelligent voices, passionately being spoke out. TedX, an independently organised event to share with the local people experiences, researches and ideas of local speakers.

Great ideas and life experiences were shared throughout the whole session. Eye opening speeches that needs hope, while also giving hope. A hope to make this world a better place where everyone can call home.

No speech was more important than the other. From innovation to salvation, everything was worth to hear out. One speaker pointed out to the benefits of a pet, how pets could help a person's life to be ever more positive overcoming stress and tension. Another spoke about justice, his first hand experience being branded a felon only because of a book he wrote. A book which was about a constantly misunderstood organization of the past who only wants justice for everyone.

While there were no short of attention to any of the talks, one that really caught me was the PHD to Ph.D segment. Given by OSU's own professor, Elaine Richardson. Her life was full of obstacles*literally*. From being addicted to drugs and abusive pimps, from streets to jails. Everything in life being thrown to her at a very young age.

Her recovery was no short of a miracle. At one time it seemed like her choice was either death or prison. But her mother and education saved her. Her mother didn't gave up on her. She went to school and never stopped. She now has a Ph.D.

Now she shares with the world her journey, to promote healing, recovery and empowerment through education.


TedX squad of the day!

*She wrote a book about her life. PHD to Ph.D by Elaine Richardson

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